Data 101 series - part 7/8

Data Processing

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Up to this stage, data has primarily been passed from one place to another or stored. In this article, you’ll learn how to make it useful. Data Processing involves transforming raw data into valuable insights through analysis techniques like machine learning algorithms or statistical models depending on what type of... [Read More]

Data 101 series - part 6/8

Data Storage

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The Data journey or the data value chain describes the different steps in which data goes from its creation to its eventual disposal. The data journey consists of many stages. The main ones are ingestion, storage, processing, and serving. Each stage has its own set of activities and considerations.  [Read More]

Data 101 series - part 5/8

Data Ingestion

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The Data journey or the data value chain describes the different steps in which data goes from its creation to its eventual disposal. The data journey consists of many stages. The main ones are ingestion, storage, processing, analysis, and serving. Each stage has its own set of activities and considerations.... [Read More]

Data 101 series - part 4/8

The Data Journey

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In the last episode, we’ve seen that successful data strategies require reviewing existing data platforms and analyzing how business users can take advantage of them. In addition, any data strategy requires the right tools and technologies to work as planned. Here, data architecture is pivotal in choosing the right tools... [Read More]

Data 101 series - part 2/8

Beyond the Hype

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Data has become a buzzword nowadays, with many companies touting its potential to revolutionize their operations. But beyond the hype, data can provide real value for businesses that leverage it effectively. The most obvious benefit of data is improved decision-making and forecasting capabilities. [Read More]

Data 101 series - part 1/8


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“Data 101” is a series that introduces foundational skills and concepts to help people become data literate. Through this series, you will learn how to collect, store, process, analyze, visualize, and interpret data using various technological and statistical tools. [Read More]